• Geo-spatial imaging technology: We have diverse experience in geo-spatial imaging technology and applications of aerial survey and imaging technology using drones and remote data over various terrains and geographies.
  • Yield Assessment: Remote Sensing Technology based yield assessment exposure in following States: Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, M.P, Odisha, Haryana and Tamilnadu
  • Verification of agriculture crops: We will provide solutions, through data gathering, analytics and processing, backed by field verification, for agriculture.
  • Crop loss or drought: We provide accurate assessment by combining multiple data sources e.g. remote, drones, ground truthing to generate real time data, through the crop cycle for crop acreage, productivity, crop loss or drought.
  • Soil Moisture Meters: We have developed inhouse Soil Moisture Meters for providing data on soil moisture and Guiding for Water Requirement

Estimates for Insurance Companies

Various Projects – for ICs

Madhya Pradesh

Soya bean

Orissa & Haryana

For Rice

Tamil Nadu

Drought monitoring




Estimation of loss in green gram in 2017

Andhra Pradesh

Crop condition and estimation